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Client Testimonials
  • "I'm very impressed how Mrs. Orr handled everything, she is very professional and I recommend Mrs. Orr if your in need an attorney for a white collar case!!!" by Anonymous Former Client Read More
  • "The best of the best above all the rest. Accept no substitutes." by Richard R. Read More
  • "They are next level on intelligence and understanding. My full respect to these attorneys." by Amber R. Read More
  • "They're the best, very thorough." by Doug T. Read More
  • "GGH has no equal in Texas or elsewhere. Cynthia Orr and Gerry Goldstein don't just defend their clients, they make law. I've watched them over the years take impossible cases and win." by Debra I. Read More

Attorney Cynthia Orr Discusses Odds of U.S. Supreme Court Granting Certiorari

As reported by the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section, attorney Cynthia Orr said there are persuasive ways to increases the odds of the U.S. Supreme Court granting certiorari. More than 7,000 petitions are filed each year, so most of the justices divide their initial reviews among the clerks each week on a random basis. The clerks then prepare memos recommending a denial or a grant.

Orr said there are ways to help earn a grant for certiorari, such as if the case involves the First Amendment or in cases involving the extent to which the government may become involved in personal and family decisions.

Read the Volume 15, Issue 3 of the ABA’s newsletter for more information.

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