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Property Crimes

One purpose of the criminal justice system in Texas is to protect a person’s property. The way property crimes are classified depends on the nature of the offense, the property involved, and the amount of loss or destruction. The most common examples of property crimes prosecuted in Bexar County, TX, include:

  • criminal mischief – damaging or destroying the property of another;
  • vandalism – the destruction of another person’s property without permission;
  • criminal trespass – entering the property of another without permission or invitation;
  • robbery – a form of theft that involves the use of force or violence while acting to deprive the rightful owner of the property;
  • burglary – an illegal or unauthorized entry into a building, business, or the dwelling of another person with an intention to commit a crime;
  • larceny- taking something of value without a permission from the rightful owner by permanently depriving the owner of his or her right to use the property;
  • theft – taking the property of another without permission;
  • theft of services – taking the services of another without paying for those services without permission;
  • arson – starting a fire or explosion that destroys the property of another;
  • fraud – acting to deprive another of property through a fraudulent act;
  • insurance fraud – committing fraud when making an insurance claim;
  • telecommunications crimes – crimes involving the theft of services, telecommunications piracy, electronic money laundering, communications in furtherance of criminal conspiracies, the dissemination of offensive materials, electronic vandalism, telemarketing fraud, and an illegal interception;
  • computer crimes – using a computer to commit a crime; and
  • money laundering – the process of making illegally-gained proceeds appear legal in an attempt to avoid detection by the authorities.

Additional Resources

Property Crimes Complaint Packet in San Antonio – Find the Criminal Complaint Packet in SAPD FORM (111-SC1A, Rev. 11/93) used for property crimes that are being investigated the Property Crime Unit of the San Antonio Police Department. The forms must be completed before Formal Criminal Charges can be filed so that an accurate assessment of this case can be made. The Complainant or Witness Information Form must be attached for each witness that can offer relevant testimony in this matter. After the packet is returned to the Property Crimes Unit of the San Antonio Police Department, a Property Crimes Detective in San Antonio, TX, will review the packet and conduct a consultation with the complaining witnesses. The documents can then be sent to the Bexar County Grand Jury and the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office.

Texas Crime Analysis for Property Crimes – Find crime statistics measured by crime volume and crimes rates when compared to the size of the population in Texas who are affected by the offense. Texas crime rates are generally expressed as the number of crimes per 100,000 residents. The statistics for property crimes include offenses related to burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.  The statistics include information on the stolen property value and type.

Attorneys for Property Crimes in San Antonio, TX

In a property crime case, your attorney can review contracts, invoices, reports, documents and other paperwork that has a bearing on the defense of the case. Our attorneys are experienced in representing clients in a variety of property crimes being investigated or prosecuted in San Antonio, Bexar County, and the surrounding areas.

If you are charged with any type of property crime in San Antonio or Bexar County, TX, then contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Goldstein & Orr. Contact us to discuss the charges pending against you, the typical penalties that can result from that kind of charge, and potential defenses for the case.

Let us put our experience to work for you. Call (210) 226-1463 today to discuss your case.


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