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Continuous Violence Against the Family

Those accused of assaulting one or more of his or her family members, household members, or a person with whom he or she is in a relationship with more than once within a 12-month period can be charged with continuous family violence under Texas law.

This charge is usually applied to someone who has previously been charged with a domestic violence charge.

Attorney for Continuous Violent Against the Family in San Antonio, TX

The accusation of continuous violence against the family is a serious charge. We highly recommend you immediately retain experienced legal counsel. Call Goldstein & Orr to set up your first consultation with an experienced family violence attorney at (210) 226-1463.

Definition of Continuous Violence Against the Family

Continuous violence against the family is defined in section 25.11 of the Texas penal code. It reads that a person can be charged with this crime if he or she has previously been charged with family violence in the previous 12 months.

Family violence is defined in section 71.004 of the Texas penal code as “an act by a member of a family or household against another member of the family or household that is intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault or sexual assault or that is a threat that reasonably places the member in fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault, but does not include defensive measures to protect oneself.”

Subsection d of section 25.11 states “A defendant may not be charged with more than one count under Subsection (a) if all of the specific conduct that is alleged to have been engaged in is alleged to have been committed against a single victim or members of the same household, as defined by Section 71.005, Family Code.Tex. Penal Code § 25.11(d).” Essentially, this subsection prevents someone from being charged with the same crime against the same victim twice.

Punishment for Continuous Violence Against the Family

Continuous violence against the family is a third-degree felony punishable by two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Resources for those facing domestic violence

Texas Health and Human Services, Family Violence Program – The state of Texas has a Family Violence Program that promotes self-sufficiency, safety and other resources for adult and child victims of family violence.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – This state agency has resources for people to report abuse and initiate investigations into allegations of child abuse.

Finding an attorney for Continuous Violence Against the Family
If you are facing a charge of continuous violence against the family, you will want to immediately contact skilled criminal defense attorneys in San Antonio.

Goldstein & Orr works tirelessly to help clients accused of violent offenses get charges reduced or completely dismissed. Call (210) 226-1463 or complete an online contact form right now to have our lawyers evaluate your case during a free consultation.

Finding an attorney for Continuous Violence Against the Family

If you are facing a charge of continuous violence against the family, you will want to immediately contact skilled criminal defense attorneys in San Antonio.

Goldstein & Orr works tirelessly to help clients accused of violent offenses get charges reduced or completely dismissed. Call (210) 226-1463 or complete an online contact form right now to have our lawyers evaluate your case during a free consultation.


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